2016 Postmortem
In reply to the discussion: POTUS blames democratic message for losing election [View all]underthematrix
(5,811 posts)We have to take responsibility for our govt. It means using our critical thinking skills instead of our feelings to elect our We the People govt. Who the phuck gives up their access to healthcare, their civil rights, their right to make healthcare choices because they don't like the candidate who will make sure we get to keep those things and get more.
I'm angry but I'm definitely not angry at President Obama or Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders because I see the same thing happening with the discussions on who should be DNC chair. I like Tom Perez or that black guy from the south or Tim Ryan. Whoever it is I will support them because the person will be representing my core interests - healthcare, social safety net, jobs, civil rights, criminal justice, prochoice, freedom of religion, equal protection under the law for all folks including LGTBQ folks.
Even though it was a coup, I don't think it would've happened with a more informed, better educated and well read voting population. Donald Trump would've have been long gone during the primaries, which means a coup would not have been possible.