Time for the Democrats to stop catering to the [View all]
Professional class?
Time For Democrats To Stop Catering To The Professional Class
What are you gonna do, go to the Republicans?
18 hours ago
Jason Linkins Eat The Press Editor, The Huffington Post
The emerging debate about what Democrats have to do in the wake of their disastrous 2016 election has primarily focused on what part of their coalition should now receive the most attention.
The popular way that professional-class pundits have framed the choice is one between populism and identity politics ― either Democrats go all-in appealing to the working class, or stick with a coalition made up of historically disenfranchised minority communities.
Someone is going to get the partys favor, and someone else is going to be told, Well, you have nowhere else to go. So who should get the shaft? Thats easy. It should be the very people who have engendered this debate in the first place: the professional class.
Why cant the Democratic Party tell their most affluent backers that the time has come for them to cater to someone else? On this weeks podcast, we asked Thomas Frank ― the author of Listen, Liberal ― about this idea.