Final Results Show Clinton Won Popular Vote By Over 2.86 Million, Or 2.1 Percent [View all]
Dave Wasserman
With 136.5 million votes counted, the final national popular vote result is very likely to be:
Clinton 48.2%
Trump 46.1%
Others 5.7%
3:01 PM - 14 Dec 2016
With results all but final, Democrat Hillary Clinton is leading Republican Donald Trump in the popular vote by more than 2.86 million which would be the second-largest margin of victory for any candidate who went on to lose the Electoral College.
Clinton's raw vote total 65,788,567 is also the third-highest of any presidential candidate in history, behind only President Barack Obama's in 2008 and 2012.
Dave Wasserman
Hillary Clinton is at 65,844,594 votes, just 71k shy of the 65,915,795 Obama won in 2012. But she won 100 fewer electoral votes.
4:22 PM - 16 Dec 2016
Meanwhile, Trump received the sixth-lowest percentage out of 49 presidents elected since 1824, the first year the popular vote was recorded.