that more needs to be done. Also agree that sending up tweets, and signing various and assorted online Petitions does not an activist make. Marches/Protests...not an end all by any means, but truly believe mass media would have been forced to pay more attention to those who are feeling disenfranchised if we had put lots of boots on the ground in every major city in America.
Moving forward...think the Democratic Party and the various factions within it need to come to a few basic truths...there is not one special interest group within our party that can deliver a win. We need to work with, embrace and include ALL PEOPLE. Also think we need to realize that a major tactical mistake was made in ceding the White Male vote completely to the GOP. Like it or not, they make up a substantial part of the voting pie, and it never made sense to be giving Donald J. Trump that big of a lead out the gate.
I voted for Hillary Clinton, voted a straight blue ticket, but did feel dismissed, did feel as if our (white male) issues did not matter, did feel as if the Democratic Party was speaking to/listening to every other group but us. Not all White Men are angry, but a lot of us are hurting. I'm 60, I am out of work, and am struggling to get by until things turn around, which they will, and think sometimes the party (not necessarily purposely) is so focused in on other important issues and groups in need, that we got left behind, were not really included in the process. This to a great degree was born out when Van Jones did his Town-hall Meeting with Trump voters, some of whom had voted for Obama in both 2008 and 2012. they came out and said, "no one is talking to us, feels like they just don't care. White voters still make up about 65-70 percent of the vote...about half of that is men...we need some serious outreach to bring those votes back home.
Moving forward...think there needs to be a bottom up instead of a top down approach to rebuilding the party. Would also like to see the party bringing in a lot of FRESH FACES, and supporting some candidates who are just normal hard working Main Street Americans. There is something wrong when most of the House and Senate, as well as the White House and Cabinet are run by the Uber Rich. Most of us feel as if we have no voice at the table which in turn contributes greatly to the apathy that abounds when it comes time to cast our votes. Many of us think...why bother, those running are already bought and paid for, are owned by special interest or worse, are the special interest. Be nice to go vote and feel like my vote was not being cast for the lesser of two evils.
Apologize for taking offense at your original post, but it felt as if you were denigrating protests...a lot of raw nerves abound right now, a lot of our party hurting, and feeling betrayed. I'll work at checking my emotions at the door, and not perceiving attack where none was intended.
Have a great day...hoping for a miracle here when the Electoral College votes, but knowing realistically I have better odds of winning the Power Ball Lottery.