Dem leadership seems to have gone crickets and abandoned us since the election. So far they have shown us that nothing has changed and I don't expect them to grow a spine any time soon. They have already wimped out like they usually do on extending healthcare for coal miners, even. Repubs are never going to let Dems shut down the government like they did! If the Dems had held out a little longer, they could have gotten what they wanted for the miners. Let the Repubs rebuke the Dems for payback. They earned it!!!
However, lucky for us, there are a number of Trump-hating repubs out there that are not afraid to push back. And others are pushing back about Obamacare, Medicare and other important issues Trump wants to trash on January 21st.
The dems want to putter around about the Russian hacking and wait until January to look into the matter. NOT JOHN MCCAIN, God bless his soul! He has demanded an immediate investigation and unlike the dems, HE IS NOT BACKING DOWN. I plan to call his office and thank him for that!!!!
If we can't get our own worthless Dems to pushback, why NOT support the Repubs who do? What have we got to lose? I intend to also thank Lindsey Graham as well for pushing back at Trump, McConnell and even Comey on the Russian hack. Pelosi wants to appoint a commission next month. But by that time, McConnell and all the other perpetrators will have hidden or destroyed all the evidence implicating them. Sheesh! Think 911 Commission, or the Warren Commission--and they still don't know who killed Kennedy!!!
At the rate our party leaders are going, fearless Trump-hating Republicans may be the only way we're going to get any action on the goal to get rid of Trump.
Sorry if I've pissed a lot of you off, but we've got to exploit every option we can since our Congressmen have either gone MIA or have turned into jellyfish!