There is something important I have learnt from this election [View all]
and that is that policies directed specifically toward the very poor, backfire.
Not sure if you guys read the Sarah Kliff's Obamacare piece, and it seems that the middle/lower middle class consistently feels that the poor have gotten in better (not least because of race).
Other articles have also pointed out why some people are voting against their better economic interest and it boils down to this, we think that the middle and lower middle class will get upset with the 1% but really they get mad about people poorer than them getting 'free' things
Going forward democrats need to address this. Our theory of the case is that the working class should be mad at the 1%, whereas the reality is that the working class is mad at those they think are the lazy poor, getting rich off medicare and food stamps.
I want to add this caveat: I think it's wholly immoral not to support the poor, but it seems in order to support the poor we have to ensure that other classes of people get equal amounts of 'free stuff'.