that a vote for Trump is proof of bigotry and sexism and we are unlikely to get any of them to vote Democratic in the future and we should not waste the effort, and rather we should try to appeal to those who stayed home.
But the thing is that the way YOU would go about convincing the Trump voter and the way I would go about convincing the voter that stayed home are probably THE SAME THING. So why don't we put aside this argument, for which there can be no winner, and unite on figuring out the methods that will get us somewhere?
Here's my suggestion: We won't get them via TV and we won't get them via radio. So use billboards on well-traveled highways in the states where we were surprised by a Trump win. Change the message every month. Say things like, "The Republicans you voted are taking away your Medicare. Now what do you think of them?"
"You voted for Republicans who defunded Planned Parenthood and caused a ___% rise in maternal and infant deaths in your area. Now what do you think of them?"
"The Republicans you voted for are taking away your health insurance and leaving you with nothing. Now what do you think of them?"
"Depend on Social Security? The Republicans you voted for are taking it away from you. Now what do you think of them?"
"Depend on Medicaid? The Republicans you voted for are taking it away from you. Now what do you think of them?"
"Remember when the Republicans promised you a job? They just took XX jobs away from this area by XX action. Now what do you think of them?"
What is your suggestion?