2016 Postmortem
In reply to the discussion: For all looking to cast out the ignorant with the venal [View all]frazzled
(18,402 posts)despite being presented with the facts. That's been shown time and again.
It's rather paternalistic to think that "we" can educate them. "If only they knew," we tell ourselves; "If only the Democratic Party had a better message." All the information regarding the excessive use of force with respect to black citizens has been out there and discussed profusely all year. Yes, even in the mainstream media, time and again, with video to prove it, and sophisticated speakers explaining the issues.
Another thing that has been demonstrated repeatedly by studies is that a vast number of voters do not make their choices on a rational basis. And that means they are not susceptible to argumentseven the best arguments out there. Sometimes it's just a question of whose hairdo they like, or that their wife just left them, or that their kid is doing poorly in school and they want to lash out at something. They are not making nuanced or informed decisions based on a coherent political philosophy. They may even believe in one set of ideals or proposals and vote for someone who professes the complete opposite. Note the documented desire for "change" that was expressed by voters this year. They didn't care whether it was good change or bad; they just thought something different might be the answer after eight years of their kids bringing home papers with "D" marked on them. Really. (I've canvassed door to door many times over the years, and I can tell you that this is frequently the twisted logic that more than a few people at whose doorsteps I've stopped have expressed.)
No, we are not going to convince anyone of anything. And once we realize that, we can stop trying to change other people and start the hard work of changing things in the real world we can control, where we live. We won't win every battle (or even most), but we can keep fighting it, with our compadres who share our views.
In saying this, I fully recognized that you probably won't be influenced by my arguments.