2016 Postmortem
In reply to the discussion: Do you have loved ones who voted for Trump who you KNOW are NOT racists/sexists/bigots? [View all]Lint Head
(15,064 posts)you have a brain abnormality or you're willfully ignorant.
I tend to think willful ignorance, as in "ignorance is bliss", as opposed to a biological ignorance is the issue. Anyone can be blindsided. But to be willfully "blind sighted" is a choice. To think someone is immune to the elements of politics, or immune to dying in a fire or car crash, is willful.
Politics can kill and is just as dangerous. Just ask the victIms of Hiroshima or the Trail of Tears how potentially dangerous politics is.
In my opinion racism, as something evil, has not been emphasized enough in the general media. I admit to being a bigot. I am bigoted against rascism, sexual assualt and yes even bigotry.
There's a reason ignorance is no excuse in a court of law. Unless you're being prosecuted for murder and are so mentally incapacitated you didn't realize it was wrong.