2016 Postmortem
In reply to the discussion: Do you have loved ones who voted for Trump who you KNOW are NOT racists/sexists/bigots? [View all]BainsBane
(55,079 posts)Last edited Fri Dec 30, 2016, 03:11 AM - Edit history (1)
Who campaigned on racism and was endorsed by the KKK, and who is also a repeat sexual predator. What is "in their hearts" doesn't concern me. They choose to validate white supremacy and sexual assault. They decided that they wanted their children to look up to someone who won based on hatred for everyone but white men, who bragged about grabbing women by the pussy, and who is accused by some 15 women of sexual assault. What is in their hearts doesn't matter; what they did to this country does, and that is absolutely unforgivable.
When Trump is creating his Muslim registry and following through on his stated plans for internment camps, tell me how the "hearts of your loved ones" are relevant to those targeted? All that matters is that they sanctioned his plans with their votes. It is their votes that gave Trump's racism power over the country.
To be clear, I have even greater contempt for the shit stains who refused to vote for Clinton because she wasn't "progressive" enough and thereby stood with the Klan and Trump's racism and sexual predation. I have zero doubt that they did so out of hatred for the poor, people of color and women who refused to submit to their rule. As far as I'm concerned, there is zero space between them and the White Supremacists whose goals for the General Election they shared.
I'm sorry you feel your loved ones have been maligned. I hope at some point you find the courage to stop enabling them. Perhaps if you had as much concern for their reputations prior to the election, you could have informed them about the consequences of their votes? That you didn't do so is not the responsibility of anyone here. You certainly aren't going to succeed in convincing those of us who value equality that it is okay to vote for white male supremacy. Sadly, there are Democrats who want to see the party whiter and more male, and as a result are far more concerned with placating white Trump voters than stopping the disenfranchisement of voters of color.