Which Convention Speaker Mentioned Government Corruption? Who? Who? [View all]
The fact that our nation's number one problem isn't being addressed by "my party" makes me sick to my stomach.
The fact that our entire government is pay to play, and the power and $$ of the wealthy is what drives all major legislation has not been mentioned once from what I have seen. If it was mentioned CNN or MSNBC would never show it because they are on the take too.
I am supposed to suck it up and support people that care more about campaign cash than my family, again, and again, and again.
There are a lot of people who are saying no.
Simply no.
Why do you all think so many MILLION PEOPLE support Trump. It is more than his appeal to racists. Ask my Trump supporting friends. He is talking about doing something about corruption. Of course he won't, but all his minions know our government IS corrupt, and at least he is saying he will fix it.
The only candidate we have that mentioned it (corruption) can't be named.....
I for one am sick of government corruption.
Rec if you are too.