With the old saw, 'Laid on with a trowel.' But then, since most of the 1% are also 'Thich as a brick,' is it may be required and this did get some internet attention for Occupy.
In some aspects though, the continued focus on confronting the peons working at BoA branches seems like bullying. These are wage slaves who need a job, just like the rest of the 99%. They can't be rude to the protestors and can't say anything bad about BoA. It's like shooting fish in a barrel.
They are really no different than the rest of us. They are trying to make a living and have to put on a face for the protestors as well as their bosses. They don't have anything to say about the practices of the CEOs of BoA.
In fact, they are being bullied by them and are constantly in fear of losing their jobs even before the bailouts, because of the same profit motivation that led to all of this mess.
I've worked for big corporations which garnered media attention and then public disfavor. Because of that, I had to deal with verbal abuse by strangers walking up to me to accuse of things I was not involved with, while doing my blue collar job, covered with sweat, mud and grime.
I'd also have to take the abuse of 1% kids in rich suburbs, who threw trash and mocked us while we worked. So we got it from both sides, in addition to supporting our union against the company bosses. Sometimes one needs to walk in the shoes of the other person and see just how complex the situation is, to make an ally instead of an enemy.
So I think this was all handled very well by all parties and funny, but anything that is degrading to the peons, is not helpful to the cause. I thought it was cute. Thanks for posting it.