How much would you be willing to forgive? [View all]
I read a book called Shock Doctrine, by Naomi Klein, and in it, she goes into detail about how all these CIA and corporate sponsored dictators in South America imprisoned, tortured, and killed political opponents, like labor organizers and protesters. In an Argentine Ford factory, there were torture chambers to keep workers in line. Under Pinochet, the Santiago arena was turned into a make shift prison where people were electro-shocked and beaten.
With the bloody history of America's foreign policy, I keep in mind that those oppressive forces our government has been unleashing elsewhere in the world could be easily turned on us.
If martial law was declared, and you were forcefully pulled out of your home at night by armed soldiers or mercenaries for participating in OWS and trucked to detainment camp, in the face of oppression and death, how much would you be willing to forgive? Would you stare vengefully into the soul of your armed assailant as you were dying or about to die, or would you be willing to forgive this person?