That's why I brought up real world examples. The only hypothetical part is all this madness finally being unleashed on US citizens. Yah, fighting back would nice, but we might not have that chance, because we'd be up against tanks and machine guns.
My thinking is if it all went to shit and the worst case scenarios happened, what would our last moments be? Would they be filled with hate and anger, or peace, love and forgiveness?
Hate feeds on hate, and every war is a perpetuation of that dynamic. We each have very negligible influence, but its still an influence. I could see why I might die hating the armed mercenary that kills me, but I don't know if I'd want my last moment to be one that contributes to the modality that's plagued humanity for so long. I think a better state of mind to die in would be one of love, peace, and forgiveness, because it would be a final expression that would counter all the bitterness and anger. Even though the effects of my final emotional state might not save the world, it'll still change its course in some way. It might range from microscopic to macroscopic, but it'll still leave a lasting effect. I think all our actions in life have lasting effects, and that the global sphere is just an aggregation of all the good or bad choices we've collectively made as a species.
The soldier who kills innocent civilians is just a brainwashed tool of those drunk on power, and that's been the dynamic for thousands of years. They're a victim of the system their selves, and they don't even realize it, because, when push comes to shove, their leaders see them as expendable cannon fodder. Because of this, I don't know if I'd want to die holding anything against them. However, the stupidity, ignorance, and futility of the human species might be so evident to me at that point that I might very well die in a state of extreme hatred, and I might be so bitter that I won't care what awful things will come to the planet I might filled with contempt for the planet, wishing for its complete destruction and erasure from all memory.
I could be completely detached too. There's really no way of knowing.
This is really my way of putting myself in the shows of the innocent casualties of the South American juntas. I'm just wondering what they thought when they died in such a defenseless state and how they coped with their situation. I could see those types of atrocities coming here to the States. It was fairly easy for them to depose and kill democratically elected officials and impose a military junta. It could happen here, especially since it was all US sponsored.