and you're rolling around smilies. Why exactly are you in the Occupy Underground forum? Are you aware that only days after Scott nearly died, those same cops nearly killed another Veteran? And that Oakland "mayor" Quan leaked that 18 mayors were on a conference call about what to do to/about Occupy camps in their cities? And that there was Federal-level involvement in that, and that DHS has been watching Occupy since day 1, according to FOI documents obtained by Michael Moore and others? And that DHS overlord Peter King calls Occupiers "losers" and stated that they must not be allowed to gain credibility and thus affect legislation as did the hippies? And that even after 7400+ arrests and brutal beatings of Occupiers by cops (and always the DHS presence), Obama has not said one single word either way (even after telling Egypt to respect the rights of their protesters)?
I agree. Sue Obama, sue DHS, sue Peter King, sue Quan and all the "democratic" mayors who brutally attacked Occupy camps and Occupiers for more than a year. The Bill of Rights is obviously dead and buried.
Oh, that's right. Chris Hedges DID sue Obama over section 1021 of the NDAA Obama signed, which allows for indefinite detention of US citizens even suspected of terrorism or terrorist alliance, without trial or representation. And won. It was struck down by a judge as unConstitutional, as it should be, as it must be.
Obama sent lawyers to get it re-instated, and they did. Congratulations. BTW, a Doj document is said to call protesting "low-level terrorism". I haven't seen it but I've heard it discussed. Occupiers have no friends there.