Cross posting with permission from Fumesucker...
"How to hurt Rush, perspective from a radio insider.
Commenter Jager in post #97 lays it out..
As a retired radio group VP with years of station management on my resume, here is a better suggestion. Go after the local advertisers on his show. There are very few local advertising availabilities on Rushs show and they sell at a premium. Monitor the Rush station, make a list of the local advertisers and do the following:
1. Call the advertiser, be polite.
2. Write a letter to the advertiser, be polite.
3. Copy the station and the FCC with the advertiser letter.
4. Politely call the General Manager of the station,tell the GM what you are doing and why, tell them you have contacted the advertiser and copied the FCC.
5. If the local advertiser uses an agency, contact the agency, as well.Just ask the local business, if they use an agency.
It wont take many letters and phone calls to get their attention and remind the station that the letters need to be placed in the stations public file. (the public file is an FCC requirement)
Local stations dont get many local avails in Rushs show and many pay a huge fee to Premire to run the show.If they start losing business because of that asshole, they will raise hell with Premire.
If KFI in LA got a hundred letters with follow up phone calls it would get their attention very quickly. The key is to put on the pressure through the local advertisers.
Rush isnt going anywhere, he isnt going to apologize. The local station will blink and get very nervous, very quickly."
People on this thread suggested letting Occupy know about this... so here it is.