This grand experiment we are supposedly living in, would be the envy of those monarchs of old. Which we supposedly found so oppressive, and they were, that we needed a revolution to ensure never being subject to such oppression again. And the FFs put the 1st Amendment into the Constitution to emphasize the rights of the people to speak out, presumably not into the wind, or to sound-proofed fortresses where they could not be heard, but in the public square where they could be heard by their elected officials.
I'm wondering, since now they have passed laws to make protests that CAN be seen and heard by the rulers, illegal, if there is a need to become more creative. Maybe the people need to form committees who are designated to deal with different tasks. Eg, a huge Committee from across the country, to go directly to Congress to state the grievances of the people, agreed upon in advance.
And perhaps a Global People's Committee that demands to be allowed inside these Global meetings where the fate of the world's people is apparently discussed with zero representation BY the people? Look at the mess they've made around the Globe, which might have prevented if there had been some people's representatives at their meetings to put a stop to their foolish policies?
Or would they need bags of money to get such a hearing? And that raises another question for me, are there any restrictions on Corporate Lobbyists similar to those in effect against the people, to prevent them from getting close to the 'Representatives of the People'?
Maybe we the people need to appoint Lobbyists? They actually do pay for Elected Reps, salaries, health care, travel etc, so they could carry briefcases, empty of course, except for a receipt for the amount of taxes they pay to demonstrate that they do pay these people.
However it's done, they should not be allowed to escape hearing from the people who are the most effected by their decisions.