Hubby and I have original Medicare and a supplement that covers the 20 percent that Medicare doesn't That is different from Medicare Advantage which has similar benefits as Medicare but usually requires co-pays and a restricted network of contracted providers, although most of them also have prescription drugs included. Medicare supplement plans have different benefits so you need to look carefully at them. We have the G plan that covers everything that Medicare doesn't except for the part B deductible. It even covers the surcharge that the Mayo Clinic charges Medicare patients. These supplement plans are also rated differently. An "Age Attained" rated plan will increase every year as you age and can also increase due to medical inflation in your area. "Age Issued" plans will never increase based on age. The cost is based on your age at the time you take them out. Naturally, it is least expensive if you choose it as soon as you are eligible for Medicare. It WILL NOT increase on your birthday each year but can increase if the cost of medical care in your area increases due to inflation. In the 9 years I have had our supplemental plan, it has increased only by less than $10 total. The other plan is "Community Rated", and the cost is based on the total number and ages and cost of care of all members in a region that are in the plan. The only Community Rated plan that I know of is the one by AARP. The age issued plans are scarce too. Ours is with TransAmerica. Most supplement plans are "age attained" rated plans because then they can start out less but very quickly increase over the others because they will increase every year as you get older AND increase due to higher medical costs. Good Luck to you.