Since a student was killed by a trained adult gun nuts will want teachers armed now. [View all]
A male student WITH A HAND GUN went to school before classes and shot a girl (probably someone he had a relationship with at one time) and shot her and another student. A trained resource officer who had SWAT team experience was on the school site and was able to shoot the shooter and it was over within 1 min. This was NOT a semi automatic, a regular officer wouldn't have SWAT training, and a hand gun was available to a teenager. The school did procedures but this will happen even if hand guns are available. I bet the NRA will be trying to arm teachers but allow 18 years old to buy semi automatic weapons of war. This is one of the events that happened today.
MARCH FOR OUR LIVES this Sat. March 24. RESIST gun violence and change gun laws. There are over 825 marches planned and will have marches all over the world. Here is a link for info.
MARCH FOR OUR LIVES Sat the 24th 817+ cities
will be hosting marches/rallies. Only 75 were organized at this time a few days after the FL High School shootings one month ago. This will likely surpass the Women's March in numbers. This is a WORLD WIDE event now and it started with determined young people that had #ENOUGH! They are RESISTING!
Two weeks ago I learned that the 500,000 people planning to attend the March in DC at the Mall wouldn't be allowed to as they had planned since they didn't get their permit in before another event that was already scheduled had made arrangements for that place and date. I just saw on MSNBC (Lawrence) that the Cherry Blossom Festival was kind enough to move their event to Sunday, March 25th so the anti-gun violence protesters will be able to have their March For Our Lives after all. Here is the current map with info, places, times, maps, ideas, etc.