Can you question the Virgin Birth and still be a Christian? [View all]
Kimberly Winston
(RNS) Its a tough sell: A young, unmarried teenager gets pregnant, but the father isnt a man but God himself. And the girl is a virgin and (some believe) remains one even after she delivers a strapping baby boy.
Thats the story of the Virgin Birth, one of the central tenets of faith for the worlds 2 billion Christians. The story is embraced by every branch of Christianity, from Eastern Orthodoxy to Mormonism, Catholic and Protestant.
And yet, many theologians, pastors and other Christians say the Virgin Birth gets short shrift at Christmastime. Finding the idea hard to swallow, many believers would rather focus on the cute little baby in the manger instead of the unusual way he got there.
Yet for other Christians, the Virgin Birth is a deal-breaker. You can equivocate about other biblical miracles, such as whether Marys son was really able to turn water into wine, but the Virgin Birth must be accepted as gospel.
I believe in the virgin birth but I question it from time to time.