Elizabeth Warren Picks A Fight With Paul Ryan [View all]
Was asked to cross-post this from GD...
This is the funniest and most aggressive I've seen Warren.
"If Ted Cruz were around when the Declaration of Independence was passed he would have tried to repeal it because Jefferson was a Democrat."
She went on, "Paul Ryan says don't blame Wall Street: the guys who made billions of dollars cheating American families; don't blame decades of deregulation that took the cops off the beat while the big banks looted the American economy. Don't blame the Republican Secretary of the Treasury, and the Republican president who set in motion a no-strings-attached bailout for the biggest banks. Nope. Paul Ryan says keep the monies flowing to the powerful corporations, keep their huge tax breaks, keep the special deals for the too-big-to-fail banks and put the blame on hardworking, play-by-the-rules Americans who lost their jobs."
"That may be Paul Ryan's vision of how America works, but that is not our vision of this great country," she said.
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