Elizabeth Warren has an interesting way of dealing with questions about Hillary Clinton [View all]
Elizabeth Warren has an interesting way of dealing with questions about Hillary Clinton

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts) doesn't seem all that ready for Hillary.
...Warren seems to have adopted a set talking point for questions about the contrast between her and Clinton. Recently, Warren has responded to this idea by attempting to take the focus off her and Clinton and noting she wants all politicians to advocate aggressively to address income inequality and problems in the financial industry. This strategy shows Warren isn't currently interested in launching direct attacks on Clinton. However, as of now, she's clearly not giving Clinton a ringing endorsement either.
In an interview on "Morning Joe" Wednesday Warren was pressed for her thoughts on the idea Clinton hasn't focused on advocating for the middle class against major financial interests. Warren said people "need to see" what Clinton plans to do. She also stressed she's not just pushing Clinton on issues like regulating banks and decreasing interest rates on student loans and wants "everybody" in politics to take up these causes.
"She hasn't declared yet, she hasn't laid out what she's going to run on and I think that's what we need to see," Warren said of Clinton, adding, "But I want to be clear, I think this is what everybody should be talking about. Democrat or Republican."
When asked if she would urge Clinton to distance herself from Wall Street and champion Warren's pet cause to lessen the student loan burden, Warren replied, "You bet." However, she quickly returned to stressing this is something she is pushing everyone in politics to focus on and not just Clinton.
"I'm going to push everybody," Warren said.
"Do I not look like Im gonna push?"...
Tough & ethical & smart. Really smart. Gotta love her!!