Link: I did dislike Billington singling out Hezbollah in this fashion in what he says. I wonder his own agenda in this.
Here's what he says...and I found a bit concerning as to what his agenda is in his cautionary comments. I think their concern about surrogates is interesting...but, that Hezbollah is singled out as a possible "rogue" who could have influence with this...makes me worry that it's more weighted towards the side of defending Israel and not the comprehensive peace process that we are hoping will calm down the "ME" Situation.
Graham is also involved in Commission on WMD Proliferation...and so he has strong interest in this...but also money to be made and influence.
From Link to Billington in "Keys to the Kingdom:"
Surrogates of nation-states and even surrogates of other terrorist organizations are becoming more restive, unwilling to supinely comply with dictates of their former masters. Hezbollah, the Lebanese-based paramilitary organization, which has now become a political party and vacillates between being part of the governing coalition in Lebanon and being its primary opposition, is the premier example of this greater independence.
The potential danger of this independence is captured in the reality that no nation-state would be so irrational as to deliver a weapon of mass destruction bearing its home address, real or virtual. The United States has a policy of nuclear annihilation should a nuclear weapon be detonated here or against an ally or U.S. interest abroad. While it may be an oxymoron, a rational state that decides to use a weapon of mass destruction would try to keep its hands clean by leaving the dirty work of delivery to a surrogate. Thus WMDs will likely be transferred to groups such as Hezbollah that in turn will exercise a significant, if not singular, role in the decisions of when and against whom to use them.