While it's difficult to send links to non-subscribers (since the Marietta Times went to its "pay-to-play" format in April) but, after about three weeks, our local paper finally printed an article about the Howard Husock "makers vs. takers" article in Spring, 2014 issue of The City Journal ... See if someone can find the June 5 edition of The Times. It contains a front-page article entitled "Offended; disappointed - Magazine article about Marietta gets big reaction", as well as an editorial on page 4 entitled "There's more to Marietta than recent article shows" ... There ARE some revelations. It seems that Husock DID visit Marietta twice last year - but no word on who invited him. One of the people he "interviewed" was Cathy Harper (who Husock called "Cathy Jo" the current City Treasurer (who was NOT yet elected when Husock met her). Cathy is a nice lady who runs a group that tries to help young people with drug problems, BUT she is under the influence of local tea party characters like Khadine Ritter and G.O.P. Chairperson Leslie Hass who fully subscribe to the "Atlas Shrugged" philosophy touted in the City Journal article. The Times is now upset that the photos used by the City Journal were from their archives and were used without permission by Husock. The Times also reports that an anonymous employee of Community Action possibly helped Husock by giving him some (as it turns out, false) figures about local poverty rates and percentages of residents on public-assistance. Finally, the subject of the article, Mrs. Alice Ely-Chapman (whose work in our community, as I said in my May 31 op-ed piece, is "beyond reproach" is NOT amused by the Husock article ... The mystery remains - WHO decided that Marietta should be the subject of a crummy polemical treatise on alleged "makers vs. takers"? Did no one learn anything from the Mitt Romney "47%" debacle in 2012?