Trump cant hide his role in stirring up the Nazi hate that killed Americans on Saturday [View all]
'In hindsight, we must admit: we all saw it coming. Silence is the enemy of a healthy democracy. The drumbeat began, and it just grew more intense.
*There was Trump's early failure to disavow the support of Nazi David Duke in the campaign.
*His classification of all new American immigrants as rapists and murderers.
*His claim that an American judge from Indiana couldn't preside over his case "because he's a Mexican."
*His thinly veiled assassination call to "Second Amendment people" to "take care of" Hillary Clinton.
*His call to supporters to "rough up" protesters at his campaign events.
*His very recent address to national law enforcement officers to increase their use of force -- justified or not.
Is this the final conflict that Stephen Bannon has longed for? Will any President before or after Trump have a senior advisor that the mainstream press factually and routinely refers to as a "white supremacist"?'>>>