Democratic Primaries
In reply to the discussion: Who is this Sam Seder on MSNBC? [View all]wyldwolf
(43,891 posts)They were supposed to be our answer to Rush Limbaugh. They became the voice of the fringe.
Franken, at one point, was working virtually for free as the network was having massive financial difficulties. He finally left to run for Senate.
Not only was I once I avid listener, I know the founders of the network.
Remember when Mike Malloy was fired for financial reasons? Usually in radio, that means the ratings dont justify the salary. In Air Americas case, however, it is obvious the network was losing money so youd expect them to cut loose their weakest link.
What we got after a promise to go after Republicans was a host of inexperienced left wingers who often joined Limbaugh, Hannity, and their ilk in attacking the Democratic party.
The one thing that REALLY turned me off to the now-cancelled Unfiltered with Rachel Maddow, as well as several other Air American Radio Shows (like the Mike Malloy show) is how quick they were to criticize Democrats. Now, I dont feel any Democrat is above criticism - but doing so with literally millions listening wont do anything to build support for the party and get rid of the GOP. Do you ever hear Limbaugh, Hannity, or Savage trashing the Republican party? Plus, it provided fodder for the rightwingers. Maddow really crossed the line on her last day on Unfiltered when she launched into an anti-Bill Clinton diatribe. With millions listening, she progsplained why he was really a bad president.
Way to go, Rachel! Thats how you convince the fence sitters to vote for Democrats! Unfiltered was cancelled because of low ratings. Now you know why the ratings were low.
But Maddow wasnt alone in her disdain for anything that isnt far left simon-pure. Mike Malloy, the Lefts answer to rightwing wacko Mike Savage, believes he is a traditional Democrat (no, seriously, he believes that) but, as Wikipedia explains, he has basically withdrawn from the Democratic party and is now making overtures to the Green Party - those swell guys who cost Al Gore the election in 2000.
College-level radio talent. A failed experiment.
And the former owners would tell you the same thing.
I proceeded.
Your welcome.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
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