Democratic Primaries
In reply to the discussion: Simple questions for Sanders supporters [View all]spicysista
(1,731 posts)Last edited Wed Mar 11, 2020, 06:17 PM - Edit history (1)
How did you "see what you [ I ] did, too"?
There are two things that are going to happen in November. Either dolt45 will be re-elected or he will not. Your feeling mocked has nothing to do with that fact.
Politics is a contact sport. It's all about building relationships with all kinds of people with all kinds of philosophies. Some are beautiful souls whom want nothing more but the absolute best for all people. Others are one note activists that only care about their pet projects. Still, some are just trying to get along with no particular passion about anything. Each group or person may respect your feelings and others will offer you a condom for you heart (fyf). It's past time for all those privileged enough to even consider staying home in November to deal with how the rest of us will see them. For me, that's a slight notch higher than a MAGAt.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden