Democratic Primaries
In reply to the discussion: Bernie Sanders Lost Illinois, but He Changed Chicago [View all]Scurrilous
(38,687 posts)From Nov. 2015 - Nascent Cult of Personality fluffing.
The Case for Bernie Sanders
"Sanders is a clear outlier in a generation that has forgotten what it means to be a public servant. The Times remarks upon his grumpy demeanor. But Bernie is grumpy because hes thinking about vets who need surgeries, guest workers whove had their wages ripped off, kids without access to dentists or some other godforsaken problem that most of us normal people can care about for maybe a few minutes on a good day, but Bernie worries about more or less all the time.
I first met Bernie Sanders ten years ago, and I dont believe theres anything else he really thinks about.(Except for those two times he thought of post office names.) Theres no other endgame for him. Hes not looking for a book deal or a membership in a Marthas Vineyard golf club or a cameo in a Guy Ritchie movie. This election isnt a game to him; its not the awesomely repulsive dark joke it is to me and many others. (LOL Bernie signed a book deal w/ 800K advance eight months later)
And the only reason this attention-averse, sometimes socially uncomfortable person is subjecting himself to this asinine process is because he genuinely believes the system is not beyond repair. (I thought it was to quadruple his income.)
Not all of us can say that. But that doesnt make us right, and him unrealistic. More than any other politician in recent memory, Bernie Sanders is focused on reality. Its the rest of us who are lost." (Just lost me.)
But has that worm turned...on Bernie?
Matt Taibbi Is Going Full Bernie Bro...On Bernie Sanders?
'Bernie Sanders movement has spawned a militant form of leftist true believers who are so dedicated to the ideals laid out by Sanders that they will now apparently turn on Sanders himself if he shows any ideological flexibility. As I argued in my column last week, these true believers have derailed Sanders campaign and made their leader unelectable a spectacular own goal that they are unfortunately incapable of recognizing.
The latest true believer to turn on the leader himself is none other than Rolling Stones Matt Taibbi. Taibbi has spent the past three years destroying his journalistic credibility by denying Russiagate and opposing Trumps impeachment despite mountains of publicly availably, highly incriminating evidence. He has waged an unrelenting war on centrist Democrats alongside leftist ideologies like Glenn Greenwald and Michael Tracey, and covered the Democratic primary as if it were a giant conspiracy created to rob Bernie Sanders of the nomination.
After it became clear Sanders could not win the primary, Taibbi is in full meltdown mode over the implosion of the campaign, and has now turned on Sanders himself for not being sufficiently militant."
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden