Why Elizabeth Warren Is Everywhere On Coronavirus Response [View all]
This is why I voted for Elizabeth Warren. She is not some arm chair progressive attacking Democrats from the sidelines in order to promote herself. Elizabeth Warren is rolling up her sleeves and doing her job pushing progressive ideas and actually working to get them into a bill. Some candidates refuse to do their jobs, let the experience of actually governing tarnish the so-called purity of their ideals. But people are suffering and dying in the real world and Warren is doing her best to help them, rather than grandstanding.
This is why I hope that Biden gives her serious consideration as a VP.
On March 4, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren was in the middle of ending her 14-month presidential bid, following a disappointing finish in key states on Super Tuesday. She would officially drop out the next day.
Still, Warren found time to fire off a letter to the Department of Homeland Security, asking it to suspend immigration enforcement actions at hospitals and other medical facilities during the coronavirus outbreak.
The senator has barely let up since.
Even before she left the presidential race, Warren had worked to shape seemingly every element of the federal governments response to the coronavirus pandemic and the steep recession that is almost certainly coming with it. Her proposal to bar companies who receive bailout funds from stock buybacks has been endorsed by even conservative Republicans, and she worked with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) to make canceling student debt part of the Democratic Partys proposed response to the crisis.