BROKEN: 649 - Bernie Sanders Has 100 to 1 Odds of Being Irrelevant in November [View all]
Sanders Wins On Singular Primary Measure - Poll Analysis
When it comes to irrelevancy to the 2020 General Election, Senator Bernard Sanders (I-VT), noted political analytical website 649 predicts that candidate Sanders is the winner in the 2020 Irrelevancy race. Although he holds onto his dreams of becoming President, he is the clear winner in 939's Irrelevance rankings. Sanders now claims he remains "In It to Win It," despite falling behind in the delegate count and losing to Joseph Biden in nearly all remaining primary elections, whenever they might be held, according to an aggregate of polls. His path to the Democratic nomination took a sharp left turn following the Super Tuesday primary elections and is now headed toward a dangerous precipice.
Asked about his plans, his press director, Briahna Joy Gray, exclaimed "There are still more than half of all the delegates to be decided. Bernie feels secure in his vision and knows that voters will respond by sweeping him onto the ballot. By the way, did you hear the latest scandal about "Sleepy" Joe Biden?"
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