Democratic Primaries
Showing Original Post only (View all)Why some of the far left has lost all credibility [View all]
I was feeling upset today about the sexual assault accusations from some of Bernie Sanders' allies against Joe Biden, and the effect it might have on party unity for the fall. I was also wondering why I don't really find the accusations very plausible, even though the last few years have taught us that victims often don't tell their stories for years, and that many people you might not suspect have been shown to be harassers or worse.
But it came to me when I was checking Twitter (yes, a bad habit) to see if there was anything new, and I came across the latest bizarre conspiracy theory being pushed by a few loud voices on the far left-- namely, that Biden's recent TV appearances have all been recorded in front of green screens, apparently to hide the fact that he's ill, or deceased, or otherwise incapacitated. If this needed any debunking, it was thoroughly done so tonight when his home studio setup was shown on the Jimmy Kimmel show.
It was then that I realized that this part of the far left has been pushing one discredited conspiracy theory after another for the last five years. To hear them tell it, you'd have to think that
(1) Hillary Clinton had Parkinson's in 2016. (Nobody mentions that anymore. Presumably she made a remarkable recovery.),
(2) Seth Rich was murdered by the DNC to cover up that he, not the Russians, were responsible for the DNC email hack,
(3) Joe Biden has dementia and can barely stand up. (This one lost steam after the Biden-Sanders 1-on-1 debate.),
(4) A media that had all but buried Joe Biden after New Hampshire and Nevada was secretly in the tank for him the whole time,
(5) The "establishment" sabotaged Bernie Sanders by forcing candidates with no chance of winning to drop out after South Carolina, and
(6) well, you get the idea.
So when a claim of sexual assault is made by one anti-Biden person, in an interview by another anti-Biden person, and the signal is then boosted pretty much only by other anti-Biden people (along with a few gleeful Republicans), one might wearily think that this is simply the next one in a chain of hard-to-believe conspiracy theories.
The sad thing, of course, is that sexual harassment and sexual assault are serious issues, that should be taken seriously in the great majority of cases. It's possible that despite the holes in the story that the accuser is telling the truth. But the people pushing this have too many obvious ulterior motives, and way too much history, to believe them right off the bat. They've simply cried wolf far too many times.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden