Democratic Primaries
Showing Original Post only (View all)Senator Sanders, I'm afraid, built a coalition of supporters [View all]
based on discontent. Sadly, for him, discontent can only produce limited results, and such supporters can be fickle, in the end.
His support, I believe, was based less on his political positions on issues than on discontent with how this society chooses its leadership. It is easy to find people who are unhappy with current leadership. We all are unhappy with the person taking up space in the White House, for example. We are Democrats, after all, and Donald Trump is sort of a Republican.
However, a majority of Democrats are not discontented with Democratic policy positions, as stated in our Party's platform. That is reflected in the primary results after all but two serious candidates dropped out of contention. After that, it was clear that Senator Sanders did not have enough supporters to carry him to the nomination.
In the post-Super Tuesday primaries, turnout of youthful Sanders suppoters was low and his election results were not what he had hoped for. As I said in the first paragraph, supporters who support out of discontent are fickle. Like most people, they saw that Senator Sanders would not prevail and simply stayed away from their polling places.
Now, however, we have a life-threatening pandemic gaining strength. Bernie Sanders has no effective response to that, so low turnouts in future primaries will, once again, not include the fickle.
Sorry, Bernie. It's not going to work out for you in 2020. You took another stab at getting the Democratic nomination, but it is not to be. Please withdraw and endorse Joe Biden so we can unite behind our nominee and focus on staying alive.
Thank you.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden