And Zohaib, to young to vote yet at 7 giving back some of what he got. Smarter than most.
Zohaib plans to donate the protective items to Inova Fairfax Hospital, where he had emergency surgery when he was 4 years old to remove a tumor from his abdomen. For the next three years, Zohaib was under the care of a hematologist to ensure there was no regrowth of the tumor. A year ago, his doctor gave him a clean bill of health.
"He's lived there and gotten care there. His hematologist who cared for him was there. He chose to donate locally to that hospital because he's a patient of that hospital. He was motivated to give back there," Zohaib's mother said.
In Virginia, the number of new coronavirus cases has increased dramatically over the past week. As of Thursday, the state had reported 460 positive cases of the coronarivus. Deaths due to COVID-19 are up to 13 statewide, and 65 people are hospitalized.
Isma Zubair also has a 2-year-old daughter who has had her own health problems. She has adrenal insufficiency, which, among other things, means her immune system is compromised. In order to protect her daughter, Zubair and her son decided it would best if someone from Inova Fairfax could come to their house in the One Loudoun community of Ashburn to collect the items they had collected from hotels.
The hospital is scheduled to pick up all 6,000 items of shower caps, gloves and masks on Friday.
A seven year old with more heart and compassion than most adults.