🌎 Senator Sanders' Influence - Climate Mobilization [View all]
Bernie Sanders influence
☀️ Climate action leader Bill McKibben was one of five persons that Bernie Sanders appointed to the 15-man committee that was gathered to prepare the Democratic Partys program platform. They fought hard, and over an extended process they succeeded to add more and more to the text. ...
A line was drawn, however, at his call for a total ban on fracking.❎ Much because of Bernie Sanders, there has been so much talking about climate change in the Democratic primary, and commentators now believe that climate action unlike in 2008 and 2012 will become a central part of the election campaign.
☀️ Our organizers successfully intervened in the 2016 Democratic primary elections, bringing WWII-scale Climate Mobilization into the discussion by successfully lobbying presidential candidate Bernie Sanders (I-VT) to embrace the idea.
In July 2016, the need for WWII-scale mobilization was adopted into the Democratic Party Platform thanks to Climate Mobilization advisor and ally Russell Greene who was appointed to the platform committee by Bernie Sanders. This commitment was reaffirmed in August 2018 when Democratic National Committee passed a resolution calling for a national social and economic mobilization to address the climate emergency and restore a safe climate.
The platform acknowledges the scale of the threat to be so large that it will require a leadership response from our country on the scale of our national mobilization to confront the threat of fascism during World War II.
The Democratic platform now contains language that brings shape to the enormity of the climate crisis, and thanks to Sanders Policy Director Warren Gunnels, climate leader Bill McKibben, filmmaker Josh Fox and many others begins to point towards policy that we must implement if we are to transition away from fossil fuels and begin to draw down carbon sharply on the path to 100% clean, renewable energy and zero net greenhouse gas emissions.
We got as high up on this particular part of our climb as we could and we put down a marker. And for that, we owe a huge debt of gratitude to Senator Bernie Sanders and the millions of voices of the political revolution. It does not mean it is enough. The policy falls short. But thats not what party platforms are for. Thats what movements are for.
Now we must recognize where we are and climb higher. Much higher. And fast.
We are in an emergency. There is no time for gradualism. We must mobilize.