Arun Chaudhary: I endorsed Bernie today [View all]
I enthusiastically and unequivocally endorse Senator Bernie Sanders to be President of the United States.
This wont be an incredible surprise as I'm an Independent voter who runs a little to the left of the junior senator from Vermont. Bernie has policies I support and is building a movement I admire.
I dont pretend to have legions of fans that this post will be moved to being supporters but as a professional political human well-steeped in the process of becoming President, I hope I can help folks wrestle with one issue, is this even possible?
Yes. I think that with a lot of energy, some new efforts, and a little luck Bernie can win. I wasnt convinced of this until recently. As someone who has witnessed the power of the establishment to marginalize outside voices in elections up close and rather personal, I thought there was little to no chance Bernie could make it through the nominating process, even though its pretty clear he would be a fantastic general election candidate against Donald Trump.
And if victory wasnt possible I had very mixed feelings about pushing the poorer amongst us to give up their scant resources on an impossible endeavor. Ive done a lot of soul searching this year about this generally, as I think the ultimate efficacy of campaigns is not something we study enough, or consider deeply.
But it is with this deep consideration, and a realistic eye on the field, that I feel that Bernie not only should win this election, but he can win this election.
So there is nothing left to do except to do it. Lets win.
If you live in Iowa I hope youll consider caucusing with Bernie.
If you were on the fence because you dont think this dream is possible, I hope you find this message reassuring.
If you like Bernies policies but are supporting another candidate, I hope Bernie will earn your consideration for your realignment when he proves viable in your particular caucus.
And personally I will be thinking of ways to help. Dont be shy sharing your ideas either. Bernie will need to do new things to bring in new voters. You all will be an important part of that.
Thanks so much and greetings from London, where we are trying to deliver the Labour victory that will hopefully open the door for the Bernie Sanders movement even wider. Hope is contagious and change is vital. Thats it.