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In reply to the discussion: 'Don't you dare start reneging!' MAGA fans turn on Trump over Friday night appointment [View all]COL Mustard
(7,078 posts)Is if the people who left are Schedule C appointees. They're political with no particular due process rights. All of our politicals left last week (I guess they're technically still in office until noon tomorrow) but they're gone. We knew well in advance that the Assistant Secretary and the Principal Deputy would be gone so there was lots of time to plan for their departures and to send them off with a nice farewell.
By the way, I don't know who will be the holdover in our agency. There's always at least one since there are some things that only a PAS (Presidentially Appointed, Senate Confirmed official) can sign or do. The closer I get to the top the more I'm glad I'm still just rank and file. I will tell you though, the thought of Schedule F coming back is most unappealing and If my position were placed under it I'd be gone immediately. Not playing that lottery...also, did I mention that I'm a looooooooooooooong career employee? I could be out of the workspace within about 90 minutes if it came to it.
Sometimes it's good to be old!