Vote Sleuth in NC [View all]
We had been following @mikefarb1 with great interest on Twitter. He and a crowd-sourced team of crack data analysts have been finding some very interesting peculiarities in precinct-level election statistics from recent elections. His website is here.
At some point @mikefarb1 posted a link to an article about a statisticians denied request to audit Kansas voting machines based on some statistically anomalous results she had found when looking at precinct-level election returns vs. precinct size.
This led us to some extremely alarming papers by statisticians who have noticed odd-looking data when they tally precinct-level votes starting with the smallest precincts and moving to the largest.
We found this quite shocking. Their results looked bizarre:
How Trustworthy are Electronic Voting Systems in the US? (Beth Clarkson)
Republican Primary Election 2012 Results Amazing Statistical Anomalies
So we decided to investigate this ourselves.
This website is a record of our ongoing work.
Many hugs of gratitude to Milena and Jenny for hard work well done, and to erika, for editing.
More here:
For those who love statistical analysis.