when I had just turned age 70. I had been active all my life....I was a jogger and I participated for many years in road races and often came in first in my age group. So....it was a surprise to me since there was nothing in my family history to indicate diabetes, though my Dad had high blood pressure, smoked and died at age 70 of a heart attack. My Mother, though, lived to age 92 even though she smoked.
I believe it all started 2 years before when I had a lipoma removed from by armpit....non-cancerous, thank goodness. I had a reaction to the bandaging (I think) that I had to keep on for 2 weeks before it was removed....I broke out into itchy hives, starting at the bandaged area and then spreading to my trunk, arms and legs. That rash took 6 months to get under control and I couldn't run because it made me sweat and that made the rashes worse. So for 2 years I did not exercise, and because of a situation at work, I was under a great deal of stress. I gained 40 pounds over my normal 105 weight, was drinking wine way too much and I was just miserable. Late in 2014 I got the flu and the symptoms, including on-going ear infections, went on for months. I still have a hearing loss from that episode.
Early in 2015, my health care coverage changed and they insisted on having a nurse make a home visit to evaluate my current health. She arrived on the appointment day just one day after a severe symptom flare-up when I had been taking ibuprofen and cold meds for 10+ days. Everything went fine until she took my blood pressure which was a shocking 220/110. She was so shocked that she waited for about 15 minutes and took it again....only this time it was worse. So, I made an emergency visit to my physician...actually she's a nurse practitioner.
At the Doctor's office, my high blood pressure was confirmed, so she ordered blood work and she discovered that my blood sugar was high too...the A1C showed that my sugar had been as high as 120-130. That day, my blood sugar was 110. She started my on a regimen of Amlodipine (10 mg) for high BP
and Metformin that two years later I'm still taking.
After that, I started on an aggressive exercise program (without any advice from health professionals) and I lost 40 plus pounds in 7 months so I now weigh about 101 lbs and I've maintained it since then. I measure my blood pressure every day and it's ranges from 104/65 to 118/71. My blood sugar is usually in the 80 to 90's range but will spike to 101 when I'm under a great deal of stress.
I really don't know why I have to continue with the medications and I worry that I'm taking them without thorough consideration ...