About 6-7 weeks ago I went to the urgent care with a horrible right ear infection [View all]
They gave me antibiotics and then I went to the ear nose and throat doctor and they said there was no infection, (if could have gone away by then) s
So, still in pain I went to my dentist and he had me go get a root canal. about 5 days later caps started falling off! The dentist then told me I should get dentures since I have had such bad teeth for so long and the bones were not good.
I've been to a prosthodontist and the oral surgeon. I have to wait until May 2 for the procedure. Eventually I am getting the dentures with 4 implants that hold them in so you don't have to take them out. It will be the most expensive item I have ever bought - $37,000!
So guess what now? My fucking left ear is hurting! I don't know what to do but wait for the damn surgery because I think it may be related to the rotten teeth in my mouth, (I have been wearing a mask when I go out because it looks so horrible)
I'm thinking that bad teeth can cause all sorts of problems and I am sick of it. Every tooth in my mouth except for 4 front ones on the bottom have been capped. And on the top left I can see one of the 3 tooth fall outs and it is rotten. I can't see the roots of the other ones on the left.
I actually remember coming on here maybe a year ago with a horrible tooth ache on a SUNDAY! People were very helpful
Anyone else hear of tooth decay causing such problems. I swear that my eyes got worse just in the last month and now I have to wear reading glasses almost all the time.
Edit - I started taking these old antibiotics. I hate the thought of going to urgent care again
Growing old is a bitch!