I'm back to functioning, this morning [View all]
Again, for the 2nd time in about a month, thank you all so much for the kind and comforting words. I really do take them to heart. j
Yesterday was rough. I'm not sure why Pembroke's passing hit me so hard. He was still pretty much feral and allowed absolutely zero human touch. He didn't race off when he saw me. I sometimes wondered if he was short sighted because I could get pretty close before he darted off. He never went far - just far enough to put some space between us. He spent time on the enclosed porch. He was a big boy and had a kind of goofy but handsome face.
I take come comfort in one thing. What ever happened to him, he came back to my home before he passed. It tells me that no matter how feral he remained, he had some degree of trust for me and maybe knew I'd take care of him.
Today I'm going to spend a lot of time clearing some unused garden space. No doubt Dylan will be by my side. Who knows - maybe I'll turn it in to a feral cat habitat.