2016 Postmortem
Showing Original Post only (View all)How can we depress Republican turnout in midterms? Fuck sitting around crying. Time to fight them. [View all]
Let's start planning on how to fuck up the Trump admin before he takes office. I know, I know! We are supposed to be the grownups!! Well, fuck that, these guys are nutzo. We need to come up with strategies that will actually work.
What do we know?
1. Trump voters are easy to manipulate
2. Trump voters are ANGRY
3. Trump voters hate liberals
4. Trump is a fake republican
We all know that Trump has gone from supporting abortion rights to being a prolifer in the past decade. He never has a clear position, he does whatever is popular at the moment. Now that there is no liberal president to get them all riled up, they have no reason for another Tea Party revolution. The time to start taking back the house and Senate is right fucking now.
Trump cannot handle criticism. He hates being made fun of. He is at his best when he is on offense. We can make that work in our favor.
It is time for Republicans to play defense. We attack him non stop from the left while simultaneously tamping down on the right by blaming them for all of his mistakes, pointing out his bad intentions while stopping him from getting shit done, then saying he never gets shit done like, WHERE'S THE WALL?!?! MAKE MEXICO PAY?? LOL!!" He hates ridicule. So do his fans. Time and time again we heard about how TIRED they are of being called racists. Good. Call them more racists and point out that they and the KKK agree on supporting Trump.
No more of this silly self hating bullshit that we Dems do to ourselves when we win the popular vote but lose the electoral college. And we can stop lying to ourselves by saying Trump won the working class. That's a lie. Stop spreading it.
Time to look to 2018. Midterms can be brutal for the party in power. Let's make damn sure it stays that way for 2018.