2016 Postmortem
In reply to the discussion: Its Time for Bernie Sanders to Apologize to his Supporters, and to President Obama [View all]R B Garr
(17,508 posts)You can't say that Bernie ran as an anti-Establishment candidate and then claim we wasn't attacking those that he was "anti" about. He framed himself as the attacker to set himself apart, and then he proceeded to spend almost a year attacking. That was the ethos of his entire campaign.
Some examples from the article:
"But Bernie Sanders decided to run in opposition to the Democratic establishment, to make the case that they were doing it wrong. On the one side, Donald Trump was braying about the failed policies of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and on the other side, Bernie Sanders was saying essentially the same thing."
"As Sanders saw his chances fade and slip away, his attitude turned more desperate and his fury became much worse. Bewildered and indignant, his escalating attacks were not just directed against Hillary Clinton, not just against Obama, but against the Democratic party itself. He held his followers as collateral, as bargaining chips, and badgered the Democrats into changing their platform. That platform was already evolving to satisfy far left supporters, even if some of the shift risked alienating more moderate voters whose main concerns were lower taxes and a tougher stance against terrorism."
He was incredibly divisive and remains that way to this day. A consummate self-serving politician to the max. An opportunist who couldn't let go and didn't care about the damage he did. It's a shame that Democrats allowed him to continue on as long as he did.