On deconstructing smears. We could do that several different ways. Eg, Keith Olbermann did it with Breitbart's phony list and drunken rant the other night. Maybe someone should be watching the Rightwing blogs which is generally where they come from.
I'm thinking of the one we had a few weeks ago which came from a far right fundie author and was proven to be totally false, right in the thread. The problem was it stayed up and was constantly kicked.
Maybe when something like that happens again, instead of kicking such a thread, start another thread with the facts. Posting the facts in the thread doesn't get the attention that starting a different thread with the facts, would get.
I refuse to comment in rightwing generated threads anymore. All it does is give them attention rather than letting them sink. I realized that a few months ago with another topic. Each time a thread on that topic was posted, I and others would try to correct wrong information or provide some balance. It was a waste of time, for one thing, because if someone is on a mission, you cannot change their minds. And all we were doing was keeping the threads visible.
So, I stopped posting in them altogether. Now they get maybe one or two comments and sink pretty fast. So what do you think about eg, checking out a story, if it is posted here, to see how much actual information is available and rather than kicking the thread, post a different one pointing out that once again, as KO does, the rightwing smear machine is at it again. If it is true, just leave it alone. There are bound to be things going on that are not perfect, the right will try to highlight them out of all proportion, so why help by going into such threads and keeping them alive?